Empirisch experimentelle Methoden in der Anwendung - Seminar

Course information

This course is the “applied” supplement to the Lecture “Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden für Fortgeschrittene”. In this course, the topic is the application of empiricial research methods scientific methods. The focus lies on desinging a research question and selecting a quantitative methods. In this course you will learn both to design empirical research questions from theory and data, and learn to analyze quantitative data using the language R. The aim is to support you in using the programming language R.

The course is supported by DataCamp a provider of online tutorials for the R language. Along with this course, the lecture “Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden für Fortgeschrittene” should be taken. As here, the theoretical input from this seminar will be taught.

Course schedule

The course is held every winter semester.


Slides can be found at the Github-Repository or below.


The coursebook for empricial methods of social sciences can be found here.

The relevant chapters are:

  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2

Video Lecture


Literature Search and factor space

Project Organization and Git

Questionnaire design using surveymonkey

Data Cleaning using dplyr

Descriptive Statistics and ggplot2

Tutorial on GIT, Boxplots and Esquisse

T-Test and P-Values


Tutorial 4 - Mittelwertsunterschiede mit ggplot2

Tutorial 5 - Korrelation und Lineare Regression


André Calero Valdez
Junior Research Group Leader

I am the research group leader of the junior research group “Digitale Mündigkeit” studying effects human-algorithm interaction.